Dave Ramsey hates bankruptcy – but don’t listen to him
If you’ve found yourself in need of financial … [Read More...]

Filing Bankruptcy: More Common Than You Might Think
About 1.5 million people file bankruptcy per year. … [Read More...]

Reaffirmation Agreements – Do They Make Sense?
Is "Ride-Through" still an option for Chapter 7 … [Read More...]

What happens to my secured debts (such as car loan or house loan) when I file bankruptcy?
Often, when clients come into our office to have a … [Read More...]

Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 vs. Chapter 11 bankruptcy
7, 11, and 13 refer to different parts, called … [Read More...]

How a Debt Collector Can Attempt To Collect A Debt
In this article, I will discuss what creditors may … [Read More...]

My Student Loan Debt is unmanageable. Can I discharge it through bankruptcy?
Prior to October 7, 1998, student loan debt that … [Read More...]

What does a “discharge” in bankruptcy mean?
One of the reasons people file bankruptcy is to … [Read More...]

I owe money to the IRS, can I discharge that when I file bankruptcy?
There answer to that question is that it depends. … [Read More...]